
Massage / Deep Tissue
45 mins - £35 / 1 hr - £45 / 90 mins - £60
Some of the many benefits of massage include; reduced stress,relief from pain and muscle tension, improved sleep,increased energy and feelings of comfort, caring and connection.
My massage treatments fuse techniques from both Eastern and Western practice, combining art with science and coming from a deep and knowledgeable understanding of anatomy.
They can be tailored for pure relaxation or for help in healing chronic pain conditions. For example: tennis/golfers elbow, whiplash, headaches, plantar fasciitis and muscle strains.
There will be a thorough consultation before treatment and if you are visiting with a pain condition then a course of 6 weekly treatments is recommended with a decrease in pain usually found around week 3.

Hot Stone Massage
70 mins - £55
My volcanic river stones are heated and then used in my hands to give you a soothing, comforting and deeply luxurious massage treatment.
The application of the hot stones in this way softens and warms the muscle tissue so that I can access deeper layers and get to the root of your pain.
The whole body can be treated and takes about 75 minutes for maximum benefit.

Indian Head Massage
30 mins - £28
Indian head massage or ” champissage” as it is known in India is a rich tradition of family grooming dating back thousands of years.
This is a beautiful treatment allowing you to escape, relax and re-balance.
The beneficial effects of Indian head massage are numerous and can include: improved circulation, mobility and posture; relief from headaches and tension; a deep sense of relaxation and well being; better sleep; healthy hair and scalp.
A complete treatment involves the upper arms and back, neck, shoulders, scalp and face.
It is performed seated and with the use of coconut oil. It can also be applied through the clothes without oils if preferred.